![STEM Academy](https://school.stemacademy.sg/pluginfile.php/1/theme_edumy/headerlogo_mobile/1681204280/stemlogopng.webp)
16 Courses
Coding / Programing
STEM Academy SMART World aims to share S T E M learning through increased access of data, contribution of innovative ideas and solutions We believe that participation and conceptualization, will we be able to become a SMART World
Age of students: 12 to 16
Hours: 10 hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware) makecode | Micro:bit | CFF Smartworld Kit
Topics: Block based programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
In this course, you will be experiencing the world of Internet of Things (IoT). IoT describes the network of physical objects which are "things" that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. You will be learning about IoT knowledge concepts, create problem-solving ideas, as well as learning about cybersecurity.
Age of students: 12 to 16
Hours: 24 hours
Mode of conduct: Online/Offline
Platform: mBlock 5
Topics: Data Analytics / Text Based Programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
STEM Academy SMART World aims to share S T E M learning through increased access of data, contribution of innovative ideas and solutions We believe that participation and conceptualization, will we be able to become a SMART World
Age of students: 12 to 16
Hours: 10 hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware) makecode | Micro:bit | CFF Smartworld Kit
Topics: Block based programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
In this course, you will exploring the world of data analytics. Data analytics (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to find trends and draw conclusions about the information they contain. Increasingly, data analytics is done with the aid of specialized systems and software. Find out more about the different types of Data Analysis, along with finding, collecting, cleaning, examining, and modelling data and make use of the information gained to draw conclusions, and further increase your knowledge on Python coding and the skill of Data Analysis!
Age of students: 12 to 16
Hours: 12 hours
Mode of conduct: Online/Offline
Platform: (Software/ hardware) Tableau, Python 3
Topics: Data Analytics / Text Based Programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
In this course, you will be learning about Artificial Intelligence, and how it is applied and used for daily applications, how machines learn to recognize patterns, images, where you will take your creativity to the best of their abilities to take your artificial intelligence knowledge to the test!
Age of students: 9 to 12
Hours: 24 Hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware): mBlock 5
Topics: Block Based Programming
Pre-requisites: None
Nowadays, with the word 'Smart' being a buzzword, we bring to you, our very own StemKit: SmartHouse! In this course, students will learn how to make use of components that make up a Smart House, from a Motion-Activated Light to a Smart Raindrop Sensor, join us on an adventure to explore the possible projects that will show just how one can implement different systems to make the house a more energy-saving, cost efficient and technologically advanced one, while making use of the BBC Micro: Bit.
The primary goal of MakeCode is to introduce programming in a way that is approachable and inviting. To this end, MakeCode uses the blocks programming model to let the user learn coding concepts in a more tangible fashion. Once the user becomes comfortable with the coding elements and structure, they can progress to create more complex programs. The blocks map directly to actual lines of code in a programming language. So, once a user has a sense of confidence and familiarity with how the blocks work, they can transition to coding more complex programs in the JavaScript programming language itself.
Age of students: 13 and up
Hours: 5 hours
Mode of conduct: On Site Classroom based
Platform: (Software/ hardware) JavaScript, MakeCode / PC or Laptop with Chrome Browser, BBC MicroBit 2
Topics: Text based programming
Pre-requisites: MakeCode, Blockly and JavaScript (course ID JS-Spark-001)
JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website. That was how JavaScript started in the very early beginning. For one, it powers your web site's general interactivity. JavaScript makes it possible to build rich User Interface components such as image sliders, pop-ups, site navigation mega menus, form validations, tabs, accordions, and much more.
You will need to learn this front end JavaScript before moving on to understand and work with JavaScript on microcontrollers and IOT devices. Sometimes we call this backend or server side JavaScript as contrast with the frontend User Interface JavaScript.
This course will pave the way for you to understand further the JavaScript used in the BBC MicroBit. It sets the stage for you to learn to create your own custom blocks in Makecode. This course is the first part in a 2 part course complemented with MicroBit JavaScript.
Age of students: 13 and up
Hours: 17 hours
Mode of conduct: On Site Classroom based, On the Cloud
Platform: (Software/ hardware) JavaScript/PC or Laptop with Chrome Browser
Topics: Text based programming
Pre-requisites: MakeCode or Blockly
Coding / Programing
Join us and learn how to create games or prototypes using simple block-based programming. In this course, students will acquire a basic understanding of computational thinking and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) concepts as part of the learning process.
Age of students: 07 to 12
Hours: 2 hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware) Scratch 3.0
Topics: Block based programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
Age of students: 12 to 16
Hours: 10 hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware) makecode | Micro:bit | BOSON CFF Kit
Topics: Block based programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
This is the course to prepare the trainers for the training of the Code For Fun, BOSON, Block based classes
Age of students: 12 to 16
Hours: 10 hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware) makecode | Micro:bit | BOSON CFF Kit
Topics: Block based programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
The town mural is missing! It was constructed of 9 puzzle pieces that are now scattered throughout the village. Students need to use their coding skills to retrieve the puzzle pieces, bring them back & place them in the frames to restore the mural.
Coding / Programing
In Fundamental 3 students will be exploring creativity in coding. Over the past two programme students have learned many coding principles and learned how to use code to accomplish goals in the lessons.
Age: 7 to 14 years old
Hours: 5 hours
Mode of conduct: Fully online, self paced
Platform: Minecraft Education Edition
Topics: Blockbased programming | Creativity | Problem Solving
Pre-requisites: Minecraft Fundamental 1 and 2
Coding / Programing
Computer programs are made up of instructions that tell the computer how to process input and deliver output. An important part of programming is telling the computer WHEN to perform a certain task. For this workshop, students will be using ‘conditionals’, to trigger an event for the agent to perform its task.
Coding / Programing
The course will be a practical introduction on Minecraft Makecode Coding. Students will learn coding and develop computational thinking through practical exercises.
Age of students: 6 to 16
Hours: 10 hours
Mode of conduct: Pre-recorded
Platform: (Software/ hardware) makecode | Minecraft Education
Topics: Block based programming
Pre-requisites: None
Coding / Programing
A village is threatened by fire and needs you to code a solution! Meet your coding helper, the Minecraft Agent, then program the Agent to navigate the forest and collect data. This data will help the Agent predict where fires will occur. Then code the Agent to help prevent the spread of fire, save the village, and bring life back into the forest. Learn the basics of coding and explore a real-world example of artificial intelligence (AI).